Bespoken Theatre Company

"A Multi-Sensory Delight!"


"Brilliant and Bonkers, gripping and sinister." The Old Operating Theatre. * * * * * "Unforgettable, layered and powerful!" Sharon Wright The Mother Of The Brontës. * * * * *

Windrush Performances

"brilliant and enlightening!"
Black History For Schools
Bespoken are Creatively  Minded!!

Bespoken are Creatively Minded!!

“Art can permeate the deepest parts of us, where no words exist.” Eileen Miller

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The  story so far!

The story so far!

“We tell ourselves stories in order to live..."- Joan Didion

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New fierce writing at The Sprint Festival.

New fierce writing at The Sprint Festival.

"They tried to bury me...But they didn't realise I was a seed." -Sinead O'Connor

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

“The horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change.” ― Maya Angelou

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Bespoken and Mama Quilla LIVE PERFORMANCE

Bespoken and Mama Quilla LIVE PERFORMANCE

" A Scratch Night With Sharp Nails." - Kay Adshead

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NEW! Princess Amelia live at Gunnersbury Park Museum

NEW! Princess Amelia live at Gunnersbury Park Museum

''Being a princess isn't all it's cracked up to be." Diana- Princess of Wales

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Windrush workshop for schools

Windrush workshop for schools

“We are not makers of history. We are made by history” - Martin Luther-King

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Bespoken Back At The Old Operating Theatre

Bespoken Back At The Old Operating Theatre

"Lemon balm. Soothe all troublesome care. Marigold---cureth the trembling of harte. "- Virginia Hartman

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Sensory Tour with Kew Gardens

Sensory Tour with Kew Gardens

"Nature itself is the best physician.” - Hippocrates

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We’ve Got The Power! Summer 2022

We’ve Got The Power! Summer 2022

‘’When women have power, we can be free!’’ Sophie student aged 14

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Bespoken welcomes Emma Dalmayne

Bespoken welcomes Emma Dalmayne

“Be you, there’s only one of you. Know that you are not faulty or disordered.”-Emma Dalmayne

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Bespoken back at Kew Gardens May 22!

Bespoken back at Kew Gardens May 22!

"A walk in nature brings the soul back home" Mary Davis

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Bespoken adaptation of Mother Courage And Her Children. April 2022

Bespoken adaptation of Mother Courage And Her Children. April 2022

"War is like love; it always finds a way." - Bertolt Brecht. 1939

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Compassion In Crisis. Windrush performance and workshop.

Compassion In Crisis. Windrush performance and workshop.

"Paved with gold, no-but yes, diamonds appear on the ground in the rain." -Andrea Levy

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And the Carnegie Mentally Healthy School Silver Award goes too.....

And the Carnegie Mentally Healthy School Silver Award goes too.....

"What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candour, and more unashamed conversation."- Glenn Close

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Ordinary at The Old Operating Theatre Dates Released!

Ordinary at The Old Operating Theatre Dates Released!

"Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is engineer transformation"-Thomas Pynchon

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First tickets released for Ordinary at The Ninth Life November!

First tickets released for Ordinary at The Ninth Life November!

"And anyway, it’s not as though I’ll never see Mum again, is it?”- Luna Lovegood.

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Theatre projects with Age Exchange July 2021!

Theatre projects with Age Exchange July 2021!

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” Ryunosuke Satoro -Writer Poet

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"Old people are young people who've just had a few more heartbreaks, thousands of more workdays, and who've prepared a dozen more eulogies" -Karl Kristian Flores.

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Creative writing project with the Mother and Baby Unit.

Creative writing project with the Mother and Baby Unit.

"A word after a word after a word is power."- Margaret Atwood

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BOMBS BLITZ AND BRAVERY Projects for 2021!

BOMBS BLITZ AND BRAVERY Projects for 2021!

"There's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end."- Scott Adams

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Smile With Us initiative! A massive Thankyou! March 2021

Smile With Us initiative! A massive Thankyou! March 2021

"I just want the audience to have a wonderful, happy feeling inside them and leave with big smiles on their faces." - Andy Kaufman

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Bespoken receive Special Purpose Award

Bespoken receive Special Purpose Award

"I can shake off everything as I write; My sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn."- Anne Frank

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Trailer for Ordinary gets over 5,800 hits on Social media! Feb 2021

Trailer for Ordinary gets over 5,800 hits on Social media! Feb 2021

“When women support each other, incredible things happen.” -Unknown

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Compassion in  a Crisis. Performance at Cleeve Meadow November 2020

Compassion in a Crisis. Performance at Cleeve Meadow November 2020

“War, like death, is a great leveller, and mutual suffering and endurance had made us all friends.” .. Mary Seacole

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Creative writing project at the Bethlem Mother and Baby Unit Autumn 2020

Creative writing project at the Bethlem Mother and Baby Unit Autumn 2020

""We always find something, eh Didi, to give us the impression we exist?"- Waiting For Godot

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Thank you for your love and support December 2020

Thank you for your love and support December 2020

"There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't yet met."-William Butler Yeats

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Immersive Science and Story telling with Social Arts For Education

Immersive Science and Story telling with Social Arts For Education

“The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings.” ― Kakuzo Okakura

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Autumn becomes Winter... New dates announced 2021!

Autumn becomes Winter... New dates announced 2021!

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” - Louisa May Alcott.

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A MASSIVE THANK YOU! September 2020

A MASSIVE THANK YOU! September 2020

"Whoever you are... I have always depended on the kindness of strangers." Blanche Dubois

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Getting through this difficult time. Spring 2020

Getting through this difficult time. Spring 2020

"The work of today is the history of tomorrow, and we are its makers."- Juliette Gordon Low

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Senses And Sensitivity at Cleeve Meadow School March 2020

Senses And Sensitivity at Cleeve Meadow School March 2020

"Not the senses that I have but what I do with them is my kingdom" -Helen Keller

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From Strength To Strength With Kew Gardens Feb-Mar 2020

From Strength To Strength With Kew Gardens Feb-Mar 2020

"(I will) try to learn from the lovely world which surrounded me" -Marianne North

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02/11/19 Bespoken welcomes its first Patron Rebecca Prichard

02/11/19 Bespoken welcomes its first Patron Rebecca Prichard

"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass." Maya Angelou

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Theatre workshop's with Autistic Inclusive Meets. Feb 2020

Theatre workshop's with Autistic Inclusive Meets. Feb 2020

“Being different is a gift, It makes me see things from outside the box." Greta Thunberg

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Waiting For ????????

Waiting For ????????

“Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order.” ― Samuel Beckett

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Castles, Conflict And Change at Cleeve Meadow School. Jan 2020

Castles, Conflict And Change at Cleeve Meadow School. Jan 2020

“Some of these things are true and some of them lies. But they are all good stories.” ― Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall

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New Year at Kew! Sunday Stories return.

New Year at Kew! Sunday Stories return.

("On a sunset:) I cannot speak or move. I am drunk with beauty!" Marianne North (1830-1890)

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Christmas show 2019!

Christmas show 2019!

"His own heart laughed: and that was quite enough for him." Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.

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17/10/19 For The Love Of Trees performance and workshop

17/10/19 For The Love Of Trees performance and workshop

"Embrace the trees and Save them from being felled; The property of our hills, Save them from being looted." Sunderlal Bahuguna

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14/11/19 A visit from Claude Monet

14/11/19 A visit from Claude Monet

"Creativity is contagious, pass it on." Albert Einstein

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17/07/19 Theatre in Residence at Bethlem Hospital.

17/07/19 Theatre in Residence at Bethlem Hospital.

"The arts are not just a nice thing to have- they define who we are." Michelle Obama

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SUMMER AT KEW! What Makes Plants grow?

SUMMER AT KEW! What Makes Plants grow?

"Ring all the bells sing and tell the people everywhere that the flower has come." Minnie Riperton

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Projects with MAMA QUILLA 01/11/19

Projects with MAMA QUILLA 01/11/19

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." Helen Keller

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A most peculiar love story! AUTUMN AT KEW!

A most peculiar love story! AUTUMN AT KEW!

"Tis Vegetation’s Juggler - The Germ of Alibi ." - Emily Dickinson

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Transformation Storytelling and Workshop at The Bethlem Hospital. 12/06/19

Transformation Storytelling and Workshop at The Bethlem Hospital. 12/06/19

"Love the world as your own self; then you can truly care for all things." Lao Tzu

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Masterclass with Punchdrunk Theatre June 2019

Masterclass with Punchdrunk Theatre June 2019

"These things are mysterys not to be explained But you will understand when you get there alone..." Punchdrunk

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Easter storytelling at the Botanic Gardens of Kew. New for 2019

Easter storytelling at the Botanic Gardens of Kew. New for 2019

“Bed rest and perhaps a large, steaming mug of hot chocolate. I always find that cheers me up.” — Albus Dumbledore

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03/04/19 Launch of Persephone and the Pomegranate.

03/04/19 Launch of Persephone and the Pomegranate.

"Give me but one firm spot on which to stand on and I will move the Earth." Archimedes.

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Mental Health Matters imageMental Health Matters imageMental Health Matters image
“Children in urban communities suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome in higher proportions than veterans, and they need therapeutic outlets, which arts and drama has proven to provide.”-Aja Brown

We are a multi-diverse -divergent led award winning community theatre company, that promotes understanding of the mental health issues that can impact on any of us at any given time in our lives.

Bespoken began its journey as resident theatre company at The Bethlem Hospital School in 2019.

Our primary focus was too work with those young people experiencing mental health illness, including depression, anxiety, self-harm and psychosis. Supporting those who couldn’t access the joy of theatre in the traditional sense.

Our aim was to bring high quality theatre to hospitals and other specialist settings involving participants from a variety of backgrounds.

We developed an interactive and sensory approach in our work which meant that our most vulnerable individuals in society could feel included.

Since then our work has expanded and developed in other specialist settings including Mother and Baby Units, Schools, community groups and museums including The Old Operating Theatre.

Our projects always focus on the unheard voices within history/herstory and in society today. We have a special interest in developing the unheard voices in women and mental health. These projects have led to both community and professional projects including the play Ordinary performed at The Old Operating Theatre in 2021.

In 2021, Bespoken was also awarded a Carnegie Silver Award due to its delivery of mental health projects in Cleeve Meadow School.

During the recent pandemic, Bespoken created a trilogy of performances entitled Compassion In Crisis. Each performance looked to history to explore how individuals coped with trauma and rebuilt their lives and communities after catastrophic world events. Two of these projects have a focus on Black British History including The Windrush Story.

Bespoken plan to evolve these projects over the next few years as the world recovers after crisis. We believe our company highlights the necessity of mental health treatment now more than ever.

Bespoken also work closely with Kew Gardens. This enables our company to work with the important of the senses and nature in developing a mindful and nurturing approach to mental health management and recovery.

Did you know that as part of our Compassion In Crisis interactive workshops and performances we offer a special workshop telling the story of The Windrush and the lives of the individuals who came over to Britain to support the rebuilding of the country after the Second World War.

"Thank you for visiting and allowing us to get such a brilliant and enlightening insight into the Windrush scandal. Your friendliness and interactivity allowed us to feel so involved and gave us a better understanding of the events which I am very grateful for." Mayfield Grammar School

We are an award winning theatre company who specialise in inclusive performance/workshops for students from all backgrounds in particular welcoming students with SEND needs.

Bespoken Theatre are proud to introduce their anticipated Schools project Compassion In Crisis.

"Pitch Perfect." Bethlem and Maudsley Hospital school

Compassion In Crisis workshops were set up as a response to living through the current Covid Pandemic.

"Thank you for creating such a comfortable atmosphere and taking the time to look at stories that need to be told. I resonated with your company's aims and I felt that you made theatre feel more accessible and interactive. We need more theatre companies like you" Mayfield Grammar School

Each workshop looks towards how people can continue to care and relate to each other through uncertain times.

These themes are explored through historical events where people were forced to deal with life changing issues.
We look at how people coped in the past and how they managed to rebuild the world after trauma and find recovery

Two of our projects have a specific focus on Black history in Britain.

We have three performance workshops tailored for education. Each workshop is developed to motivate and stimulate individuals and groups of all abilities, using an interactive and sensory live approach. Each workshop is 60-90 minutes long and can be adapted to the needs of each setting.

Workshop 1 The story of Mary Seacole. 
The Nurse who saved many lives during the Crimean War despite discrimination. Using her medical knowledge and personal research into the impact of nature and herbs on healing wounds. This interactive performance encourages students to develop basic first aid skills and explore the use of biodiversity and nature to aid recovery. "Really recommend this for students with SEN or those hesitant to engage socially." Mick Hunter Assistant Head SAFE School.
This workshop is suitable for students aged 9-12.

Workshop 2 Bombs Blitz and Bravery. Handling authentic items from the period, The workshop explores dealing with a catastrophic event in London during the Second World War Blitz attacks. We find out how people really coped with war-torn Britain, questioning the myths behind the Blitz Spirit and questioning if Londoners really did pull together and 'make do and mend'. "THE STUDENTS ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT." Juliet Morris Head Teacher Cleeve Meadow School.
This workshop is suitable for students 12-15 plus.

Workshop 3 The Windrush. Our final instalment looks at how Britain was rebuilt after the Second World War and how people travelled from the Caribbean on the HMS Windrush to support the NHS and other industries after the damage caused by the second world war. This interactive performance focuses on overcoming discrimination and prejudice whilst trying to care for ourselves and others using song, dance and craft activities. "Truly Interactive and inclusive engaging our most hard to reach students." Executive Head, Jenni Tyler- Maher. T-KAT Academies
This workshop is suitable for most groups aged between 9-15 plus

Each workshop can be developed as a working trilogy in each setting or can be an individual stand alone experience.

Please contact for further information, and bookings and our fabulous website for more info at

About us imageAbout us image
Bespoken Theatre are a multi-diverse-divergent led team of theatre and mental health practitioners and performers.

We are passionate about the arts and advocate the positive impact that creativity can have on mental health and emotional well-being.

Our backgrounds are a combination of professional and physical theatre, mental health nursing, allied therapeutic roles and lived experience.

We are inspired by companies including Punchdrunk, Improbable and Wise Children. We draw on the ideas of combining interactive physical theatre and mask and puppetry to tell our stories and will involve our younger audiences through sensory engagement.

We are committed to telling the unheard voices in history/her story.
We create performance and workshops around these themes.

One of our projects entitled Waiting is based on the play Waiting For Godot. Waiting uses a variety of creative tools including writing, art and performance to express the importance of being heard, sometimes after many years.

As a company we have indeed waited many years to tell our own stories and we delight in the work we are now able to do and feel inspired by the groups we work with.

“You are not your illness. You have an individual story to tell. You have a name, a history, a personality. Staying yourself is part of the battle.” Julien Seifter

Cherie Pruden Hughes SRAT DT Drama B.A Hons

Artistic Director and Writer

Cherie studied at Exeter and Sussex Universities. She is a Lived Experience Practitioner and Theatre Specialist working within mental health including Child and Adolescent Mental Health services and Neuro-Developmental teams within education and the community for over 25 years and is a registered Mental Health First Aider and Domestic Abuse Champion. In 2017, she was given a Teaching Excellence award by the Lord Mayor of Southwark for her work with vulnerable young people. Cherie has worked as a performer with Random Acts Improvisation Company, Theatr Clywd and Leap Theatre in Education. Cherie received mentor-ship at The National Theatre with Chris Bush working with script development and story.

Gabriella Shillingford


Gabriella Shillingford was born and raised on the Caribbean island of Dominica. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Acting from East 15 Acting School. She has appeared in several theatre premieres on the London fringe circuit, actively enjoying the challenge of new work. Theatre credits include Jane Austen and the Cheltonians, Mary Seacole, The Skull and Jelly. Gabriella is also fluent in French Creole which has created opportunities to work professionally in the Voice-over/ADR industry in productions including Death in Paradise(BBC One), Hooten and the Lady(CW/Sky One), The Crown(Netflix) and Yardie. She is very much proud of her Caribbean roots and was thrilled to be chosen to take part in the research and development for the National Theatre's SMALL ISLAND - due to be revived in 2022.

Abigail Halley Drama B.A.Hons

Artistic Director Writer and Performer

Abi studied at Exeter University and Italia Conti. She has worked as an actor, improviser, storyteller and voiceover artist for 25 years. She is also highly experienced in teaching, workshop leading and live interpretation bringing many historical characters to life in museums, galleries and educational settings. Abi works closely with Kew Gardens developing children's awareness of biodiversity and natural world protection through immersive storytelling. Abi has just written her first novel and is about to embark on a second.

Eugenie Douglas

Director of Mental Health and Creativity

Eugenie is a Therapeutic Social Worker and Child and Family Mental Health Specialist, working within many communities across London. Eugenie is a respected and established community figure, well known to families and staff working within Education, Clinical settings, GP Surgeries and Voluntary Organisations. Eugenie is passionate about the importance of creativity within mental health and has facilitated the development of creative play skills through parent and child interaction and attachment. She has also provided mental health training and consultation in the community for groups and has developed workshops around Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and mental health resiliance and self regulation. Eugenie is a strong advocate for groups that are at a social or economic disadvantage and she also consults with public services and other organisations on structured inequalities, enabling changes towards accessing supportive and inclusive services for all. We are truly delighted to welcome Eugenie to the Bespoken family. We feel that her expertise and knowledge will enable us to shape inclusive theatre and performance for everyone. Supporting us in our hope to promote the importance of the arts within mental health and the community.

Chris Sattaur

Production Manager

Chris worked in the Diplomatic Service where he had many adventures in far flung countries. Chris has now focused on his love of theatre by joining Bespoken and pursuing a creative role in our team.

Sandra Mills


Sandra studied at the University of Ulster and Desmond Jones School of Physical Theatre and has worked as a performer in UK and abroad. She studied an MA in Theatre and International Development after which she spent time in India with Jana Sanskriti using theatre to work with tribes exploring issues affecting their communities. Her case study was published in the journal Development in Practice. She led Bridge intercultural arts programme at Chichester Festival Theatre. She recently performed with Amnesty about the experiences of Afghan women and has also devised and performed with Random Acts Theatre

Gabriella Shillingford

Emma Dalmayne


We are delighted to announce that Emma Dalmayne will be joining the Bespoken family as an honorary Patron. Emma is a well known community figure who is also an autistic campaigner, and advocate for autistic rights. Emma runs an autistic led organisation called Autistic Inclusive Meets in Woolwich S.E London. She is an established author of books including Susie Spins and It’s An Autism Thing- I’ll Help You Understand It published by Emma was a consultant on the film The Reason I Jump which explores the experience of non-speaking autistic people from around the world. We want Bespoken to become a multi divergent led organisation. We know that having Emma on board will support us in our work to generate acceptance of the autistic community and the rights of autistic artists and performers globally.

Rebecca Prichard


Playwright Rebecca Prichard's first work, Essex Girls, was performed at The Royal Court Young Writers’ Festival in 1994. Fair Game, her adaptation of Edna Mazya’s Games in The Backyard opened at the Royal Court Theatre Downstairs in 1996 and her play Yard Gal (co-commissioned by Clean Break Theatre Company and Royal Court) was staged at the Royal Court Theatre, followed by a national tour. In 2013 Yard Gal was named one of the most influential plays in contemporary British Theatre (V&A, Played in Britain: Modern Theatre in 100 Plays). The Rebecca is currently under commission to the Royal Court Theatre. Her short play Bury Her (2019) was recently performed at Queer Upstairs at The Royal Court, an event marking fifty years since the Stonewall Riots. Awards and residencies include: Critics' Circle Award for Most Promising Playwright (1998); Writer-in-Residence, Royal Court Theatre (1999-2000); Literary Associate, Hampstead Theatre (2004-2005); AHRC Creative Fellowship (2007-2010); Yale University Fellow at the Gilder Lehrman Centre for Modern Day Slavery (2014-2015); International Research Scholar, University of Melbourne (2015-2019)

Lee Simpson


Lee Simpson, writer and performer is also the Artistic Director of Improbable Theatre. Lee is also well known and loved for being a member of The Comedy Store Players. Bespoken Theatre have been huge fans of Improbable Theatre for many years and are delighted to have Lee Simpson as a patron for the company. Lee explores social attitudes to disability, mental health and aging amongst other issues through theatre, comedy and improvisation. He recently directed the show Still No Idea for The Royal Court with Lisa Hammond and Rachael Spence which explores attitudes towards disability and inclusion. Lee collaborated with Paul Merton on the comedy show Out Of My Head which dealt with issues around mental health. In 2017 Lee directed Lost Without Words for The National Theatre with Phelim Mcdermott. An improvised show with older actors in their 70's and 80's using just props, no script but their own words. Lee is also a dedicated pioneer in the art and skill of improvisation and also teaches and delivers workshops with performers and artists. He has also facilitated story telling and drama workshops for the Bethlem and Maudsley Hospital school.

Our plays for adults delve into the darker elements of Herstory. We explore unknown tales that are based on fact or folklore. Our aim is to shine a light on women's voices unheard past and present. To give a fresh and open perspective on what it is to be female, cast in a time confined by expectations of gender, class, race, status and social behaviour.


We are currently creating a trilogy of scripted plays that explore women, mental health, crime and media exploitation. Beginning with Ordinary, based on the true story of Helen Duncan a popular medium in the 1940's, eventually imprisoned in Holloway prison for her beliefs and practice. Ordinary was performed at The Old Operating Theatre and The Ninth Life in Autumn 2021. All performances were sold out with fantastic feedback and reviews. “Brilliant and bonkers!” The Old Operating Theatre 2021.

We look forward to more collaborations with The Old Operating Theatre in the future and hope to release further details soon.

Childhood is a constant source of inspiration to us.

A time when the imagination is developing and the first stories we hear influence and shape our responses to the world. 

We explore themes of childhood through myths, fairy tales and history.

We also create and devise plays and scripts with young people showing us how they see the world and the changes they want.

We work closely within education and other specialist settings delivering storytelling workshops to support the national curriculum.

Some of our story projects are linked to science and nature; using a sensory engagement with the experience of biodiversity and encouraging a meaningful relationship with the natural world.

All our sessions are followed by a celebration with food and music, and an arts and crafts session. 

Mayfield Grammar School
Students and Staff

"Thank you for creating such a comfortable atmosphere and taking the time to look at stories that need to be told. I resonated with your company's aims and I felt that you made theatre feel more accessible and interactive. We need more theatre companies like you" "Thank you for visiting and allowing us to get such a brilliant and enlightening insight into the Windrush scandal. Your friendliness and interactivity allowed us to feel so involved and gave us a better understanding of the events which I am very grateful for." "Normally I feel quite nervous about going to the theatre due to the loudness and lights but, seeing your performance, I felt so grateful to have been able to experience a piece of your theatre and feel as though I was completely at ease. Thank you." "Thank you for enlightening us about Windrush and showing the impact it had on people. I really thought thr switch in from a very happy upbeat atmosphere to a more sombre and sad one was really impactful and I'm just really grateful to have watched it as I really enjoyed it." "It was informative, immersive and inspiring. We all left with new knowledge and appreciation for the history and culture of Dominica and Windrush."


Alex Forshaw
Autistic Inclusive Meets

We were lucky enough to have been paid a visit by Bespoken Theatre for a workshop on the generation of The Windrush at our Thursday group last week. It was a brilliant comprehensive look at the history of the Caribbean people who were invited over to Britain to help rebuild the country after it was devastated by World War 2. They arrived on the ship HMT Empire Windrush to a country cold and unwelcoming after the warm islands they had left behind. The racism they suffered was unforgivable, and we were glad to see it was shown in the workshop. It was an eye opener for some of our younger attendees who hadn’t learnt about racism and discrimination before. We also learnt that Britain began deporting those who had come over with Windrush, and heard the devastating effect this had on families who had lived and made their lives here only to be rejected and sent back to the islands they had come from decades before. We enjoyed the arts and crafts that were provided by Bespoken, and the fruits they brought for us to sample: they were delicious! Thank you Bespoken Theatre!

Autistic Inclusive Meets

"Beautiful and Important work. Such a moving piece of community theatre. This needs to be seen in schools and all settings to help us learn about everyone's history." Participant at AIM Community Centre


Kay Adshead
Mama Quilla Initiative

Congratulations to Bespoken Theatre company on their production Ordinary, written and directed by Cherie Hughes. We saw the show Friday evening. I LOVE women writer/ directors! More please! Ordinary tells the true and fascinating story of Helen Duncan who was the last woman to be arrested under the Witchcraft Act. Cherie’s writing is playfully lively, and she directs her engaging trio of actors, with real skill and confidence. This company has a wonderful future ! Kay Adshead Performer/Writer/Director of Stormy The Opera, Thatcher's Women


Richard Brock
Musician Random Acts Theatre Company

I experienced the play Ordinary as truly gripping theatre - unexpected, witty, exciting, with scenes of brilliantly crafted verbal and physical dialogues of developing themes contrasting with quieter periods, both calm and reflective and sometimes sinister... I was always wanting to know what lay ahead and enjoying it so much when it arrived!


Sharon Wright
Author of The Mother of The Brontes: When Maria Met Patrick

"An Unforgettable evening of atmospheric, layered and powerful drama. Abigail Halley gives a tour de force performance as troubled Medium Helen Duncan.” Ordinary November 2021


Emma Hewitt
Salamay Healing Arts

I went to see Bespoken Theatre’s production of ‘Ordinary’ last night in the top of this tower at London Bridge. It’s a really spectacular piece of theatre, brilliantly told with really stunning performances by the actors.


Juliet Morris
Head Teacher Cleeve Meadow School

Thank you so much for today's performance and celebration of the life of Mary Seacole. The students absolutely loved it and were talking about it for the rest of the day! It was wonderful to see how well all students engaged in the story and were keen to take part in the telling of it. The multisensory aspect of the performance really brought the story to life, especially the costumes and herbs. It had exactly the right combination of interaction and learning for our students and I am sure they will remember so many facts about this amazing role model for compassion, resilience and fortitude.


Occupational Therapist Bethlem Mother and Baby Unit

"Wonderful and inspiring"


Mick Hunter
Specialist Sen Teacher Social Arts For Education

"Thanks so much. You did a great job getting some of our more anxious students out of their shells, and everyone had a fantastic time. Really recommend this especially for students with SEN, or those who are hesitant to engage socially."


Jenni Tyler-Maher
Executive Head Teacher Cleeve Meadow School

"We can’t wait for our next visit from Bespoken Theatre Company. Truly interactive and inclusive, engaging some of our most hard to reach young people. Thank you for putting smiles on their faces and giving them the confidence to use their voices."

Emma Dalmayne
Autistic rights campaigner and author

"Thank you to Bespoken Theatre for their wonderful visit today! The AIM attendees had a brilliant time, highly interactive and promoting team work."


Petra Woodford Headteacher Primary and Middle Department
Bethlem and Maudsley Hospital School

Our primary /middle department at the Bethlem and Maudsley Hospital School was recently lucky enough to have a visit from the Bespoken Theatre Company. We invited the company to provide a session as an ending to our project on the Greek myths. It proved to be a glorious conclusion to a very successful exploration of these great stories: it was truly memorable. Abi from Bespoken came for the whole morning and provided a multisensory exploration of the myth of Persephone and how the seasons were formed. Not always an easy group, Abi was still able to engage all the pupils putting them at their ease and building up participation gradually in a gentle, non-threatening way. The story was told with clarity and beauty but what made it unusual was the cross-curriculum reach. After the story there was Greek food to sample as well as Greek music and locating the country geographically. We then had a paper flower workshop which the pupils enjoyed as the tasks were achievable and the outcomes, in terms of end product, were delightful. I would recommend Bespoken Theatre Company unequivocally and we have a second workshop in our diary for next half term. Again, the session has been bespoke for us and fits in with our new topic of transformation. Chocolate tasting will be included and a design task incorporated into the morning. It sounds like a recipe for another stimulating morning and we are very much looking forward to it. Thankyou Bespoken from all of us.


ThreeWeeks Edinburgh
Mr Thomas By Kathy Burke

"The most striking aspect of this tale of the underside of life in a London boarding house is that the four male characters are played by woman and the one female character is played by a man. "This has the effect of making us consider the kind of behaviour and conversation that, in certain circles, define gender: the men swagger, swear and swap sexist remarks, and the woman gently gives way to them, while actually being the strongest of them all. The performers imitate the manners and the mannerisms of members of the opposite sex most effectively. An entertaining and quite illuminating piece."

Paul Harris
Specialist Teacher Bethlem Hospital School

"The story of chocolate was a fabulous workshop of two parts. Starting with Cocoa butter hand cream and Willy Wonka singing a world of imagination wonderful the story telling started. We moved into our very own rain forest to meet the Mayans and Aztecs through to the conquistadors and then into Europe and Pepys's London and the chocolate houses of the 17th century. With kinaesthetic chocolate factories and questions to keep the engagement we ended with tasting the 'bitter water' and then the ever sweeter samples of chocolate the sensory backdrop continued as we were moved into some lovely design work of our own wrappers in part 2. We made some lovely design work with chances to think about the language of bar names and discussions around prices and flavours as we worked. Pitch perfect."

Thom Dibdin The List
Mr Thomas By Kathy Burke

"The young company twists Kathy Burke's play by having women play the male roles and a man the female. This neatly perturbs the audience's expectations about male bonding, focusing attention on the way men do - and don't - touch each other. This is an attractive and questioning production."

Philip Parr The Stage
Women In Technicolor By Sabrina Alonso

"Witty and moving. Women In Technicolor is a thought-provoking piece of theatre. The performances of Abigail Halley and especially Cherie Pruden in the dual role of Cathy and Marlene Dietrich are excellent."

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Work with Specialist groups

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Workshops and Training

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Child Protection and  Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding Policy

Bespoken Theatre acknowledges its duty to act appropriately to any allegations, reports or suspicions of abuse. Its staff will endeavor to work together to encourage the development of an ethos that embraces difference and diversity and respects the rights of all children, young people and adults.

Safeguarding Children and Young People
Bespoken Theatre will ensure the safety and protection of all children involved in our workshops through adherence to the Child Protection guidelines. A child is defined as under 18 The Children Act 1989.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults.
We also acknowledge our responsibilities in respect of adult participants who might be deemed to be ‘at risk’ because they are ‘vulnerable’. A vulnerable person may be identified as a person aged 18 or over who has a condition of the following type: (i) a substantial learning or physical disability; (ii) a physical or mental illness or mental disorder, chronic or otherwise, including an addiction to alcohol or drugs; or (iii) a significant reduction in physical or mental capacity.

Policy Aims Of Bespoken Theatre

• Provide children and young people and vulnerable adults with appropriate safety and protection whilst in the care of Bespoken Theatre

• Allow all staff to make informed and confident responses to specific child and vulnerable adult protection issues

update knowledge and training of safeguarding issues.

consult with professionals who are experienced and qualified in safeguarding for supervision and guidance.

Bespoken Theatre believe that

• The welfare of children and vulnerable adults are vital and that safety and welfare come first in all instances.

• All children, and vulnerable adults whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse

• All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately

• All staff including teachers, care staff assistants and volunteers working for and alongside Bespoken Theatre have a responsibility to report concerns to the identified staff responsible for safeguarding.

Bespoken Theatre has a duty of care to safeguard all children and vulnerable adults involved in our workshops from harm.

All children have a right to protection and the needs of disabled children and others including adults who may be particularly vulnerable must be taken into account.

Bespoken Theatre will adhere to

• Always work in an open environment with and alongside support staff from the school/institution/community group (e.g. avoid private or unobserved situations and encouraging an open environment i.e. no secrets)

• Treating all young people/disabled adults equally, and with respect and dignity.

• Always putting the welfare of each young person/disabled adult first, before winning or achieving goals.

• Maintaining a safe and appropriate distance with all participants (e.g. it is not appropriate to have an intimate relationship with a child or vulnerable adult)

• Building balanced relationships based on mutual trust which empowers children/vulnerable adults to share in the decision-making process.

• Making performing fun, enjoyable and promoting fair play.

Ensuring that all material (i.e scripts /scene content) is age/ability appropriate and never makes a child/vulnerable adult feel uncomfortable or concerned or exploited.

• Keeping up to date with the skills, qualifications and insurance in performing arts, safeguarding policies, diversity and mental health training.

• Being an excellent role model – this includes not smoking or drinking alcohol in the company of young people, vulnerable adult. Always aiming to speak in a positive manner and remembering that building confidence and ensuring the child/vulnerable adult is having a positive experience is always the main aim.

• Giving enthusiastic and constructive feedback rather than negative criticism

Keeping a written record of any injury that occurs, along with the details of any treatment given in an accident report book that is property of the school/institution/community group.

Informing school/community group staff if any child/vulnerable adult is taken ill or injured during workshops, communicating with parents/carers if relevant and necessary

Never offering or allowing children/vulnerable adult to be transported home in cars or to events through staff employed by Bespoken.

The following practice is never acceptable from Bespoken Theatre 

Encouraging rough, physical or sexually provocative games

• Allowing, engaging in any form of inappropriate touching

. Encourage violent or intimidating behavior (Towards self or others or environment)

• Allow children/vulnerable adult to use inappropriate language unchallenged

• Make sexually suggestive comments to a child/vulnerable adult

• Reduce a child/vulnerable adult to tears as a form of control

• Allow allegations made by a child/vulnerable adult to go unchallenged, unrecorded or not acted upon

• Do things of a personal nature for children/vulnerable adult that they can do for themselves

Guidelines for use of photographic filming

Bespoken Theatre does not allow any filming or photographing to take place UNLESS;
We/or the school/institution/community group have signed consent in advance from parents/carers or those in position of guidance and responsibility working with a vulnerable adult. (If they are unable to do so themselves.)

We ask all participants to put mobile phones away in bags, completely out of sight before starting any workshops

Bespoken staff may use technology for playing music in sessions or performances only

Recruitment and selecting staff

The company recognizes that anyone may have the potential to abuse children/vulnerable adults in some way and that all reasonable steps are taken to ensure that unsuitable people are prevented from working with children and vulnerable adults.
All staff employed by Bespoken Theatre have full records consistent and in accordance with the Criminal Records Bureau (DBS CHECK) Including evidence of identity (passport or driving licence with photo)

Responding to suspicions or allegations

It is not the responsibility of anyone working at Bespoken Theatre in a paid or unpaid capacity to take responsibility or to decide whether or not abuse has taken place towards a child or vulnerable adult.
However, there is a responsibility to act on any concerns through contact with the appropriate authorities. Bespoken Theatre will assure all staff that it will fully support and protect anyone, who in good faith reports his or her concern that a colleague is or may be abusing a child/vulnerable adult.

Suspected abuse

Any suspicion that a child/vulnerable adult has been abused by any member of staff should be reported to the designated safeguarding lead who will take such steps as considered necessary to ensure the safety of the child/person in question and any other child/person who may be at risk.

Should a child/young person or vulnerable adult wish to speak about any concerning issue, all Bespoken staff will let that person know that they have a duty of care to inform a professional if they believe in good faith their is a safeguarding risk or threat to that person.

Should any child/young person or vulnerable adult make any concerning disclosure to staff employed by Bespoken they will inform the designated safeguarding leads who will take the appropriate action as a duty of care to the person who is disclosing the information.

Dealing with Bullying and Intimidating Behavior

Have a zero-tolerance policy to bullying

Take all signs of bullying very seriously

Work alongside and support a school's/institutions anti bullying statement

Challenge the intimidating behavior immediately and explain the situation and try to get child/vulnerable adult who is doing the bullying to understand the consequences of their behavior

Seek an apology to the victim/s.

If behavior remains unsafe and continues we will ask the child/person who is showing intimidating behavior to leave the workshop with other members of responsible and identified staff.

Speak to the teacher/s of children involved with the incident.

Speak to the staff responsible for all vulnerable adults well-being and safety.

Report any concerns to the designated safeguarding leads within the schools and institutions/community groups that we work within.

Inform staff who are responsible for a vulnerable adults safety and well being.

Encourage and support changes in bullying and negative behavior

Inform all appropriate members of the action taken

Keep a written record of action taken (whom, when etc) For school, institution and community group

 Safeguarding contacts for Bespoken Theatre Company Petra Woodford and Cherie Hughes July 2020
“The strongest people are those who win battles we know nothing about.” – Unknown

To support anyone living with an undiagnosed/diagnosed mental health condition and struggling or anyone affected by a past or recent traumatic event, Bespoken Theatre actively encourage individuals to contact any of the following services and groups for help advice and guidance.

You can click on the links below for further information regarding these excellent services. for under 18’s Support for 18’s and over support for children and young people up to 19 list of support and services across the UK For men affected by domestic violence and abuse.

Mental Health Support and Advice imageMental Health Support and Advice image
  • London, UK

We would love to hear from anyone who is interested in developing research on the arts and mental health and would like to talk to us about their work. We also welcome other companies who may wish to discuss collaborating on a project in the future. Contact Cherie at

